Opportunities to Change the world: 

1. AYC Rwanda Playground

The Daystar School in Kigali, Rwanda is in need of a new playground which will strengthen over 250 children. This project is $2500 Street View

2. Israel Relief Fund

This fund will provide food and immediate support for those facing loss during this war. Torah

3. War on Ukraine

This fund will provide food, supplies, and medicine, and resources drastically needed.  Our representatives in Ukraine, Poland and Romania continue to strengthen the people of various cities in Ukraine. fighter-jet

4. Humanitarian Aid - Eastern Europe

Donate 1 Box of Food for 1 Family. $100.00 will feed a family for a month. Utensils

5. Humanitarian Aid- Western Africa

Donate to help refugees that are fleeing their village for safety. Walking 

6. Clean Water Initiative

Clean water saves lives. $60.00 donation provides a family with water filtration for 4 years. Hand Holding Water

7. Feeding our Family

Feeding our family is an initiative formed after receiving word of saints starving in some nations. To the question of "Doesn't God provide?"  The answer is: "Yes, and it may be through You!" Bread Slice

8. Become a monthly financial partner

Your financial partnership allows us to meet immediate needs and support projects not listed. Hand Holding US Dollar

Is my donation to CSi tax-deductible? 

Yes. We are a fully registered non-profit. You will receive an immediate receipt by email . You are making it #MyCSi heart   

Compassion Service International's tax identification number is EIN- 27-3067958. At the end of the year you will receive an itemized list for all donations. Calculator

I want to make a donation in honor of/in memory of someone. Is this possible?

Yes. Please contact us and we can let you know of any pending projects that might represent your loved one in a personal way. In the past wells have been provided, grain mills, and even churches constructed in memory of loved ones. Spa

Are there other ways to donate other than online?

Our Mailing address is: PO Box 14, St. Charles MO, 63302


Please make checks payable to Compassion Services International

Note the fund in the memo portion.  

Further questions? 636.724.0328 Phone

How do I make a bequest to Compassion Services International?

If you wish to include Compassion Services International as a beneficiary in your will we recommend that you add: 

 "Compassion Services International, agency of the United States government." 

If you wish to specify in which sector or country you would like your bequest to help, we recommend that you include language to allow for any possible changes in CSi programming. For example, "If my bequest cannot be used to support the specific project I have identified, I authorize CSi to use the bequest for other activities that further the mission of CSi." 

If you have any additional questions about bequests, please email us at Cnickel@compassionservices.org or call our office at 636-724-0328

Giving Online

To make a secure donation online with a credit or debit card, select the 'Make a Donation' button below or use this link. Your Monthly gift will allow us to allocate finances to drastic needs. roundedcash

Donating in Wisconsin? 

Please give us a call for further information!  Hand Holding US Dollar

Find your passion project

Check out Denise Chestnut, a true inspiration! She may never go to Malawi. She may never meet these extraordinary people, but her donation sure did leave a lasting impact on their lives. Hand Holding Water

She's making a difference by contributing $20 a month for clean water projects. Thanks to her support, our team in Malawi were able to prepare drip water filters and improve lives. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change! 💧🌍  

How are you going to change the world? 

Creative Giving Options

Have a great idea to implement? We would love to hear from you! email

  • Employee matching

    Does your company offer employee matching gifts? Contact your Human Resources department to find out how you may be able to double your gift. Double Check

  • Coffee...or feeding a family?

    Tomorrow as you purchase your daily caffeine consumption from your favorite coffee shop, think of this:


    $5 (an average coffee price) donated to CSi can feed one person for an entire MONTH! Someone in need could receive a bag of grain or vegetables to sustain them one more month, for the price of you forgoing just one trip to Starbucks.  


    Promote #myCSi on your coffee cup, because you will help bring hope and help to those across the world by simply donating the price of a coffee. Mug Hot

Feeding our Family

"Feeding our Family" became an important project to CSi when we heard about the dire need of many nations. Our representatives spoke of several church members and leaders who were dying of starvation. We cannot allow this to happen! Your donation today will go directly to those in hunger around the world.  Both one time and recurring monthly donation options are available.   Utensils