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There are a lot of adventures out there waiting for you to live. Every Compassion Volunteer has a story to tell. Do you have one? #MyCSi

2018 – A Year of Compassion

Kevin Burzynski  -  A Year of Compassion

Looking back over 2018, what is highlighted in your memory? If you're like most people, it isn't stuff but memories of people. At Compassion Services International, we are grateful for the moments in 2018 that we have been able to serve communities, families and individuals because of you and our many supporters. Although not a complete list, these are some moments we remember:

In the spring of 2018, many regions of Africa were experiencing drought. In Uganda, our representative, Phil Tolstad, reported that drought caused famine, exacerbated by an influx of refugees from South Sudan, which was creating a severe humanitarian crisis. He reported that two ministers' wives had passed away as a that time, we also received a request to purchase grain for the Sahel region of Africa. While we raise funds for our End Hunger campaign throughout the year, these grave needs prompted us to create a drive called "Feeding Our Family."  

Following the volcanic eruptions in Guatemala, the world was quickly inundated with dramatic images of fire and destruction. Our representative, Brad Thompson, reported that 10 people associated with the UPC of Guatemala were included among the dead. Following his appeal for relief aid, you quickly helped raise $8,000, which was distributed through Brad Thompson.

During the summer, a team of CSi volunteer medical personnel partnered with the Next Steps program in South Asia to conduct medical health fairs for hundreds of people at multiple locations. These efforts, in combination with the Next Steps program, not only met physical needs but opened the door to bring Hope and Help to this country.

More recently, India experienced devastating floods, which damaged several  churches, pastors' homes, and the homes of congregation members. One local presbyter reported that all local (Kerala) dams were opened, there were numerous landslides, and more than 100 church families were affected. You and our supporters helped raise nearly $7,000, which was distributed through our representatives in that area.  

Nobody knows what headlines will fill the news this year, but we want to be prepared -- especially for those closest to our heart. Please join us in sharing and preparing to join us in this movement to raise awareness and funds for CSi. We invite individuals, businesses, districts, to get involved with Compassion Services International. Let's make 2019 another year highlights with the works of compassion.   

Hope to the hopeless.

Cylinda Nickel

It's easy to see how CSi brings "Help" - the "Hope" part is harder to define. That is, until we met John whose name has been changed to protect his identity. John lives in a nation that does not allow freedom of religion. Their city suffered a catastrophic earthquake, where he and his mother lost everything. In shock, hopeless, and feeling shattered he and his mother walked the streets. One of our representatives approached them and gave them rice and blankets. That encounter began a friendship which led him to a whole new way of life. A life filled with "Hope" for their future. 

CSi meets tangible needs which opens up doors to explain the hope for a future. Get involved with CSi today.